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Busy Bags

Busy Bags

Entertaining toddlers is an incomprehensible task until it is yours x2- it literally at times seems as though you're losing your mind. They don't listen. They have no sense of self-preservation. They repeat themselves non-stop.

Oh and did I mention that they are stubborn? Like ridiculously stubborn. Like throw a tantrum in the middle of the grocery store unless you buy me a balloon stubborn (this have never happened to me... ok, it was Target).

So when the idea of Busy Bags came up in my Moms Club I was sold. The idea being on-the-go bags to occupy your toddler's attention while you run errands, eat dinner in public (people do this with toddlers?!), or wait at the doctor's office. Also, if you are doing ANY holiday traveling, this is for YOU. Perfect for trains, airports, small airplane tray tables, and long road trips.

To get ideas for mine I hit up Pinterest, per usual. The motherland did not disappoint. There are ideas for days not here, as there are for anything (am I wrong though?).

The bags I was most interested in were the busy bags for toddlers ages 2 and under.

When selecting which ones to make for your kiddos it really all comes down to three things:

1- How much money you want to spend, if any, or just use what you can from around your house

2 -How many you have to make-how many kids you have or if you are trading among other people like I was

3- The age of your kids

In my case: I wanted to spend minimal money, make bags for 2 &1 year olds (25 &14 months if your counting along- see previous post about about Irish Twins ), and keep in mind I had to make 10 copies of what I chose.

Since my babies are obsessed with Dr. Seuss currently and The Cat and the Hat is their thing- I chose "Match The Hats" which is simple 2 page craft that you laminate (which is what cost money) and then cut up 1 of the copies as "game pieces" which you then match to the game board. Super simple and great for kids 2 and older. My 2 year sort of understands it, he mostly just loves Dr. Seuss and points to the hats saying "Ooooh Whoooo" which is obviously Toddler Speak Dr. Seuss, or maybe Cat and the Hat, no sure yet. I will fill you in later when his English language skills come in.

Okay, so anyways-

Here are pictures and descriptions of my bags and even some free PDFs for you to download and print at home -

Match The Cat's Hat! (on my Pinterest)

Sesame Street Matching (for older kids flip over for "Memory" type game)

Simple Car Track and Race Car

Match the Cupcake Letters (upper and lower-case)

Silhouette Matching Game

Stick it Together Rubber Sticks

Fishing For Colors

Make A Felt Pizza (my kids tried did eat it...)

***just don't forget that you should laminate paper crafts for toddler use because paper + toddlers = less than 5 seconds of fun then it becomes trash. And one very frustrated mom.

Follow my Pinterest to see links to my Busy Bags and links to some of those PDFs

The board is Toddy Activities- look until you see something you like-

Enjoy and Share!!!

::::meanwhile moon mamas::::

***Also if you are interested in joining a MOMS Club- do it! It seriously has helped me so much-

Go to to find your closest chapter!

follow me on IG @RoPlusCoco

Comment below if you have used busy bags or plan to!


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