Rice Krispy Treat Turkey Legs

I saw this from a girlfriend who showed me a picture of this jokingly on her phone.
I didn't get the joke.
I immediately ran home (I am obviously joking, I don't run) and googling/ Pinterested a few articles and pins until I got the idea.
I basically did not want want to have to go to the grocery store-(my least favorite errand) especially Thanksgiving weekend. Can you say hell on Earth?
So I went to see what I already had that would work. I had left over marshmallows from the twins birthday that I never used and that were going to be stale soon, I grabbed those. I also had pretzel rods. They are easy toddler snacks for on the go, the rods are hard so great for teething. Also, my kids love salt..my fault? Whatever, blame it on my pregnancy cravings when they were in utero. White chocolate melts I had left over in my baking cupboard from my baby sprinkle with #2- yes that was like 18 months ago. They're sealed and chocolate, they don't go bad, right? Rice Krispy cereal and butter are the only other ingredients, staples for my house, so I was good to go.
I laid a cookie sheet and parchment paper and went to work.
I melted the white chocolate in the microwave, dipped the end in chocolate and placed two mini marshmallows on the end x6 . Then, placed the whole cookie sheet into my fridge. After about 5 minutes I took them out, they were perfectly formed and good to go. I dipped the opposite end now into the melted chocolate and placed a small hand scoop onto the chocolate and formed the shape with my hand. I was going for a triangle, tear drop share, but also wanted them to look like turkey legs, so not perfect! I suppose you could use ice cream scoops or cookie cutters to make them uniform in shape but that is just not my style.
I then put them back in the fridge for 5 more minutes and violà!
Here they are-

***For the other turkey treats see my blog post from yesterday-

::::meanwhile moon mamas::::
Pinterest- https://www.pinterest.com/melissa_chay/