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The DREADED Mom Guilt

Ugh, mom guilt in full effect-

I haven't updated this in months and I hate falling behind on projects, especially ones I love, like this blog & mom blog the guilt.

So I have been wanting to write a post for weeks literally, now. But so many things have been in the air, so to speak, that there really hasn't been time unless I gave up sleeping, which is NOT an option for this tired mama.

Since Portland life has been busy in the best of ways.

I am running for an executive board position in my local non-profit MOMS Club chapter- I am all about if you read this blog then you already know this- and so I have been living at the park at play dates and events around town. I love spending time with my fellow MOMS, there is just something so oddly comforting in knowing that your child isn't the only one who ______ (fill in the blank with you kids behavior). Also, knowing and having a network of successful, professional women who have your back whether it be picking out a new carseat or who the best pediatrician in town is, they will give it to you straight.

While running for the executive board, I also have started a Co-Op preschool with some of the Moms from my group ( note: professional women) who have been teachers in one way or another. I have never formally taught but have a minor in Education and started my teaching certification program before having kids....that's another story and another project in the works! Our preschool has grown to the point that we currently have a waiting list, which is great that just through our group and word of mouth we have created our very own school. Buying for, prepping for, and then attending preschool has been a change in our routine but a fun and purposeful one that we enjoy. It has put my crafting skills to use and lots of fun projects and crafts are gathering on my dresser to show you on here.

Besides running for a board position, starting a pre-school, I also started a little side business here in my home. If you follow me on Instagram and know my obsession with kids cloths and business management career history then you can do the math. It has been an exciting and successful side business and I can't wait to see it grow.

SO- based the above information- I hope you understand my absence on here but know I am back with SO, SO much to share.

Some things to look forward to on HERE:

-I have some great curriculum resources for those of you who homeschool or are thinking of homeschooling (even just for preschool like me)!

-So many crafts, holiday & random

-Info about my new side biz (not a MLM)

-update about if I get my board position and what my new job will entail!

-More adventures and travels this summer with my twins

Happy almost summer Mamas-

It is a weird cold, rainy May day here but it will be hot summer soon-

Stay tuned, xo

::::meanwhile moon mamas::::


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