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No Time when you're Mommin'

You guys,

I have been attempting to write this post for about 48 hours now. Yeah two whole days. I wanted to start the night after I got my fun Target email but then the kids were breaking down. They fall asleep at pratcically sun-down now, so weird, but since the time change my LOs are down by 6:30PM- Yeah super early but on the super ridiculous side of early because HOW can I get all MY errands and chores done while getting them to bed by 6:30PM, eating dinner at 5:30 etc?!!

It means I can't because I have to wash clothes and dishes and clean up meals and make meals and change diapers and change the kids clothes, and take trips to the potty, reply to texts, phone calls, emails, comments, and run to the grocery store all within 14 hours of the day.

Which is NOT enough time.

Okay so although I'd like to be methodical and plan when I post on here, I can't. It happens when I can. When my kids are entertained and I can run away and hide so I can write without little fingers touching all the keys and buttons on my laptop erasing God knows what while I am not looking.

I do promise that I will write weekly and a few of you have reached out to me on various platforms asking for videos either lives or chats of some kind. I don't know how to best go about that, Live videos scare me! LOL

But you know I LOVE my Cat & Nat Chat so maybe my version of that...?

Ahh, another fun venture I have been talked into starting is MOON MAMA MERCH- thats right, mugs and shirts and wine glasses (okayyyyy) and other fun MAMA merchandise. There is something is the works there so hang tight with me till then!!!!

Lastly, back to that Target email...

As a social media influencer for them I will be posting fun link and peeks ahead of promotions RIGHT HERE - so if you love Target- (that's a silly statement) stay tuned and keep your eyes RIGHT HERE so you can peep all the goods I love & use when they're on sale!

Use my links so they know I sent you! I appreciate all your support in this- as a SAHM you know however I can contribute to my family helps...

Until the next mama break I get to post-

Meanwhile Moon Mamas...


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