"Irish" Twins...
"Irish Twins" What does that mean? Irish twin (plural Irish twins) (rare, slang, offensive) Either of a pair of siblings born less than...

My Double Wide aka Double BOB review
Having "Irish" twins (aka babies less than 12 months apart, in my case 10 months and 3 weeks but who is counting right?!) means that you...

Gypsy Road Show- My Etsy Heaven on Earth
Gypsy Road Show- My Etsy Heaven on Earth I am a little too excited to be writing this post. But, I am a self-admitted Etsy addict and...
terrible t-w-o's Oh my God. It has been a day. So my twins- #1 is 25 months and #2 is 14 months - (My Answers to your questions...
Losing Friends- and why it's okay
Today we celebrated the babies birthdays. My tiny littles turned 1 and 2 so we celebrated it with a small party with close family and...
Dating- All over Again- Mom style
Dating- All over Again... So this whole stay at home thing is going okay, I mean I have figured out somethings, like the best way to get...
new life- stay at home mom
So, if you're counting with me it has been about three weeks since I quit my job and became a full time stay at home Mom. Wow, (coming up...
today I quit my job...
Oh shit. I just did it. Yep, just hit SEND on the email that is going to change everything...going forward I no longer am a full time...